The 20 Weirdest Road Laws On The Planet

The 20 Weirdest Road Laws On The Planet

Look Out For These Bizarre Road Rules In Other Countries

While driving is more or less the same in other parts of the world, there are a few unique rules out there you might be surprised to learn about. From leaving your dog on the roof to honking near sandwich shops and gender restrictions, there are a shocking number of weird things to avoid doing on the road. Some of them don't really make much sense, but hey, something must've happened for it to turn into a law. Here are 20 of the weirdest ones we've discovered.

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1. Alaska - No Dogs On The Roof

There's nothing wrong with taking your dog out for a spin in your car, as long as they're not tied to the roof. While it sounds like common sense, something must've happened for this law to take place in Alaska. Just don't tie your dogs to the roof folks, keep them in the car. 

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2. Alabama - You Can't Be Blindfolded While Driving

If you ever think driving with a blindfold on is a good idea, chances are you don't deserve your driver's license. This Alabama law certainly confuses us. It's definitely one that makes sense, but the question is, isn't it something everyone should just know already?

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3. Russia - Clean Cars Only

You might be comfortable putting off that much needed car wash in other places in the world, but over in Russia, we suggest you list it as one of your highest priorities. You won't go to jail for having a dirty car, but there's a chance you might be fined. And if it's so dirty that the license plate is covered, expect some harsher consequences. 

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4. Spain - Keep Your Spare Glasses On You

Over in Spain, they treat impaired vision with extreme caution - as one should! If you need glasses to drive, you better keep a spare stashed away somewhere. It's a rule that you have to keep a second pair on you at all times when driving, in the case of an emergency.

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5. Switzerland - No Cleaning On Sundays

Even if you're finally getting around to cleaning your car, if it's a Sunday and you're in Switzerland, sadly you're going to have to wait another week. That's because in this country, it's illegal to handwash your car on a day that's meant for rest. 

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6. Japan - No Splash & Runs Allowed

You've heard of hit & runs but have you ever heard of splash & runs? If you find yourself driving in Japan on a rainy day, resist the temptation to drive into large puddles near sidewalks. If you happen to splash and spray a pedestrian, you can look forward to a hefty fine even if you were just playing around. 

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7. Cyprus - No Food Or Drinks Allowed

Planning on visiting Cyprus for a fun little trip? If you're planning on driving, make sure you're aware it's against the law to eat or drink anything behind the wheel. A little bite of a sandwich or even taking a sip of water is prohibited! It's a good idea not to go on any long drives on an empty stomach in this country. 

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8. Thailand - Shirts On

We know it can get quite hot in Thailand, but no matter how much you're sweating, you better keep that shirt on if you're driving. It doesn't matter if you're driving a motorcycle or car, if you're caught shirtless behind the wheel, you might just be handed a ticket. 

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9. Bulgaria - Keep A Fire Extinguisher On Board

If this isn't enough to convince you that keeping safety equipment in a car is important, we don't know what will. Over in Bulgaria, they take road safety incredibly seriously. You must have a fire extinguisher on board, or else you may be fined if you ever get randomly inspected. 

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10. Arkansas - No Honking Near Sandwich Shops After 9PM

This unique road law in Arkansas is unbelievably specific. The next time you're near a sandwich shop and it's getting late, you best hope you don't get into a situation that requires honking. Because strangely enough, it's illegal! 

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11. France - Carry Your Own Breathalyzer

While this law was removed back in 2020, before this year, the French used to have to carry their own breathalyzers when driving. In fact, you needed two disposable kits at the very least! We're thinking it definitely made people think twice when stepping into their car after drinking. It must've served as a reminder for what you absolutely should not be doing. 

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12. Saudi Arabia - Women Can't Drive

Although this did happen quite a few years ago, it's so mindblowing that we have to include it on this list. It wasn't until 2018 that women in Saudi Arabia were finally able to drive on their own. Before then, they had to have a man drive or even go as far as hire a chauffeur! 

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13. Prince Edward Island - Honk Before Passing

People normally get irritated by drivers who honk at them, but things may be a little different over in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Turns out, it's actually the law to honk before you pass when driving. So don't be too surprised if you ever visit and you keep hearing honks on the road - it's not road rage, it's proper passing!

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14. Montreal - No Right Turns At A Red Light

This weird road rule demonstrates why it's so important to brush up on other country and city road laws before visiting. Because in Montreal, it's the only city in all of Canada to enforce this unique rule. At a red light, you might see an opening to turn right, but don't. It's illegal here! 

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15. Halifax - No Tees For Taxi Drivers

No one likes wearing uncomfortable clothing while driving, but if you're a taxi driver in Halifax, Canada, you're going to have to suck it up. No t-shirts on the job! Supposedly, cabbies have got to keep it neat, formal, and professional while on the job.

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16. California - No Bathrobes For Women

Following up on that point about comfiness, you have to be careful if you're a woman in California, too. Apparently, this rule only applies to females; if you get caught wearing a bathrobe while driving, that's grounds for a fine! While it's certainly a strange road law, we're just wondering why the men aren't being called out either.

Pexels-Shkrabaanthony-5205676 Antoni Shkraba on Pexels

17. Kansas - No Tire Screeching Allowed

You know that annoying, high-pitched sound tires make when they screech along the concrete? Turns out doing that is illegal in Kansas! Now this is one unique road law we might be able to get behind. Because not only does it prevent drivers from doing something reckless or careless, we could really do without that sound.

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18. Quebec - No Blocking Your Own Driveway

Even if there's no space left to park, it's apparently illegal in Quebec to block your own driveway. It might not matter much to you because it's your own property, but the police definitely might have a say if they catch you doing it. 

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19. New Jersey - No Pumping Your Own Gas

If you're ever taking a road trip through New Jersey and need to fill up on gas, you'll definitely want to know this bizarre road rule. Turns out, it's illegal to pump your own gas in this state! Get caught and you might just receive an unwanted fine for trying to do something harmless yourself.

Pexels-Olly-3812750 Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

20.  Switzerland - Don't Slam Your Doors

From no car washing on Sundays to no door-slamming allowed, it seems like Switzerland values their peace and quiet very much. Supposedly in this country, you have to gently close your car doors instead of aggressively slamming them. Does this have to do with why they're one of the happiest countries in the world? We'll never know. 

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