
The Age of Elon Musk - Why Does Everyone Want to Buy A Tesla?

The Age of Elon Musk - Why Does Everyone Want to Buy A Tesla?

Once a rare sight, it seems that nowadays, Tesla has completely taken over the world. Chances are, you can’t step one foot outside without seeing multiple Teslas either zooming down the road, parked and charging in parking lots, or featured all over the web. You can’t even scroll through the news without seeing Elon Musk’s name pop up at least once (for better or worse!). But in reality, it’s thanks to his genius that Tesla was able to skyrocket and become one of the most valuable automotive companies in the whole world - but how? And why? Everyone seems to love Teslas, either wanting to buy one or already owning one, but how did this crazy phase even begin?

charlie-deets-AkgALppFIwo-unsplash.jpgPhoto by Charlie Deets on Unsplash

After all, it’s not like Tesla was the first electric vehicle to ever enter the market. The Chevrolet S10, Toyota RAV4, and BMW E1 are all examples of electric car models that came out before Tesla. But turns out the answer is quite simple: people just really like Tesla cars. Whether it’s because of the battery, style, performance, quality, or a combination of all those, consumers have just completely fallen in love with the brand as a whole. Prized for its innovation and technology, Tesla has set a new standard in the EV industry.

The largest factor contributing to peoples’ interest in the brand is how environmentally friendly Tesla is. As a fully electric vehicle, Tesla owners are helping to combat climate change by reducing their carbon footprint. With many countries pushing towards going green, Tesla just happens to deeply resonate with our generation’s focus on saving the environment. Furthermore, with thousands of charging stations now set up around the country, drivers also never have to worry about running out of battery with nowhere to go, a concern that used to be largely weighed. Thanks to its impressive battery that should last users up to 300,000 to 500,000 miles in its entire lifespan, drivers can feel comfortable and confident knowing they have a reliable car at hand.

bram-van-oost-4xm5cytsdmo-unsplash-1.jpgPhoto by Bram Van Oost on Unsplash

Although making the change to full electric may seem like a big hurdle, have praised its convenience, stating how much easier it is to just charge up at home and not have to make detours to a gas station. As a major bonus, you won’t have to worry about the usual car maintenance, repairs, or gas prices which makes owning a Tesla significantly cheaper. There’s no need to spend thousands of dollars on oil changes, car repairs, and gas when your car doesn’t require any of that!

But aside from Tesla’s impeccable functioning and performance, people also seem to love the futuristic look and feel that the brand imparts. With its sleek and stylish appearance coming in multiple different colours, Tesla’s modern style fits perfectly with society’s current tastes and preferences. Not only does it look advanced, but Tesla is also filled with technology like no other. Some of its amazing features include autopilot, an amazing touchscreen filled with games, streaming services, and live traffic updates, unique “car keys”, and a sentry mode that lets you keep a close eye on your parked car no matter where you are. With so many amazing features on board, Tesla accurately represents today’s age of advanced technology, making your car as intelligent as can be. Tesla certainly creates cars for the people!

tesla-fans-schweiz-7_OQMgoGzDw-unsplash.jpgPhoto by Tesla Fans Schweiz on UnsplashSo what is your stance on Tesla? Are you saving up to buy your own or have you already bought one? Regardless of what your feelings towards the company are, it's undeniable that Tesla has become a powerhouse in the car industry. Shaping the way we view cars and their capabilities, we’ve definitely got our eyes peeled on what Elon Musk will announce next.


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