Judgement Call
You should never make assumptions about people, but in today’s judgmental world, that’s easier said than done. In truth, when it comes to relationships and dating, women are picking apart every detail about a guy’s life, and his car is no exception. With that in mind, here are 20 stereotypical judgments women are likely to make based on a man’s car.
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1. The Luxury Sedan
Picture a slick-looking Mercedes or BMW, and you’ve basically got yourself a luxury sedan. Women love seeing cars like this, as it indicates that the man is financially stable and has good taste. He follows the pack by picking a traditional model but can undoubtedly afford a high-end lifestyle.
2. The Electric Car
When a woman sees the green numbering on a license plate, there are a few assumptions she can make. Either this man is very trendy, or he cares deeply about the environment. Both are completely valid reasons, and for the right girl, an electric car is bound to score points.
3. The Pickup Truck
This is the classic macho guy vehicle. A man with a pickup truck is rugged and reliable. Whether she wants to take long, outdoorsy trips or simply needs help moving furniture around, she knows you’re the guy to call. Every time a country song comes on, she thinks of you.
4. The SUV
While some may dismiss an SUV as boring, for mature women, it’s the ideal car. An SUV tells her that this guy has a family or is ready to start one. He’s the type of man to prioritize comfort and practicality, and he doesn’t care about keeping up with trends.
5. The Sports Car
On the other hand, if a man pulls up revving his sports car, a woman will quickly assume he’s a show-off. People with sports cars are bound to get attention, and this guy probably loves all the extra looks. Luckily, plenty of women love the ego-boost too.
6. The Second-Hand
Some men never got around to buying or leasing a new car. Instead, they picked up an older model for a couple of thousand and called it a day, and trust me, women can see it from a mile away. Not only does this show that the guy is resourceful and un-materialistic, but it also indicates that he’s willing to put in the extra effort and care to make things last.
7. The Convertible
The convertible driver is up for an adventure any day and any time, and by that, we mean exclusively during warmer weather. Luckily, most girls love the idea of breaking out the shades and rocking it in the passenger seat. Let the adventure begin!
8. The Jeep
There’s certainly something intimidating about men who drive Jeeps. Maybe it’s the fact that practically nothing can stand in the way of this car, or that most Jeep drivers are as muscular and independent as their vehicles make them out to be.
9. The Classic
The Honda Civic gets a bad reputation as a basic car, but it’s undoubtedly one of the most reliable and long-lasting vehicles out there. The man who drives an outdated but trusted vehicle is the kind of guy who can take care of a woman through thick and thin.
10. The Van
Van life has increased in popularity as more and more people pursue remote work and the digital nomad lifestyle. This is why when a woman sees a man driving a van, she’s immediately picturing your new lives together out on the road.
11. The Hybrid
The hybrid shows you are committed to environmental change, but you’re still being practical and sensible. Obviously, you don’t want to get caught out in the middle of the road if the juice runs out. However, she could also take it to mean you’re a man of half-measures.
12. The Rental
Any lady should think twice before stepping into a rental. This man is probably not going to stick around. Either he’s from out of town or he has some malicious intentions. Yikes!
13. The Retro Car
You know that guy who’s been putting together an old station wagon in his garage for the past decade? Well, apparently, he finally finished the job because now he’s on the road and ready to mingle. Women love a tinkerer, and there’s something super romantic about classic old-school cars.
14. The Exotic Car
There’s nothing more luxurious than an exotic car that had to be imported into your little slice of suburbia. Women will immediately assume the driver is a flashy high roller and may be eager to get into that passenger seat. But perhaps for all the wrong reasons.
15. The Motorcycle
The motorcycle rider used to have a reputation as a bad boy, and while that remains true for some, most women now see him as an exciting escapist. Every girl wants to be whisked away late at night on the back of a slick Yamaha, and now you can make those dreams come true.
16. The Hatchback
The hatchback is the ultimate urban car, which is why every girl will assume you have city living down to a science. She’ll probably make moves to get into your high-rise apartment shortly after.
17. The Loud Car
Some people think they’re so cool revving their car and going 150 on a small suburban street. But you’re not fooling everyone. Nobody likes that annoying and dangerous behavior, especially not women.
18. The Off-Roader
Sometimes a man drives a car that comes across more as a project than a vehicle. We’re talking about those customized and modified off-roaders perfect for preppers and survivalists. For the right woman, that’s the ideal car, as she’s eager to get off the grid too.
19. Luxury SUV
If a sedan is simply too luxurious for you, then an SUV offers all the practicality you need to balance it out. A woman will take notice of this, especially if she wants the best of both worlds.
20. The Transit Guy
Not everyone has the ability or opportunity to drive, which means plenty of men have to stick it out with the transit. There’s nothing wrong with that, and a woman who cares about the important things, like your sense of humor, personality, and dashing good looks, won’t blink twice when you get off the bus.