Are You an Amateur or Pro?
When it comes to driving, many of us tend to judge the habits of others. Did they really just answer their phone on the road? Are they still using the ten-two-hand maneuver? If you’ve ever wondered what your driving habits say about you, here are 20 signs that you’re actually one of the best drivers out there.
1. Others Trust You
If your neighbors or family members are super comfortable with having you pick up their kids or drive them places, it’s probably because you’re an exceptional driver. Strangers wouldn’t feel at ease with you behind the wheel if you weren’t.
2. Rarely Hear Honks
Honking vehicles are unavoidable, as people honk for no reason at all. However, if you find that you rarely hear such noises, it means you’re good at avoiding conflict. On the other hand, if you hear honking all the time, you might be the common denominator.
3. You Keep Safe Distance
You have no problem keeping your distance from other vehicles. There’s no reason to make anyone uncomfortable, and it’s not like getting any closer will get you to your destination any sooner.
4. You Don’t Road Rage
Even if someone does something utterly ridiculous, what’s the point of honking and screaming? Is it really going to make you feel better? It certainly won’t affect them or change anything. If you’ve already figured this out and keep things quiet, you’re calmer than most.
5. You Regularly Check Blind Spots
By now, it’s second nature for you to check blind spots. You simply do it all the time, running on autopilot. With time and experience, these behaviors become habits, which means you’ve probably been on the road for a while.
6. You Keep On Top of Car Maintenance
There are no surprises when it comes to your car’s health. You do your scheduled checkups on time and keep an eye on things like tire pressure and oil changes. Your car will probably last longer than most thanks to the care you take.
7. You Use Turn Signals
Even if there’s no one around, you follow the rules. Using your turn signals makes the road safer for everyone involved. For you, it has become a habit, and you do it instinctively.
8. You’re Predictable
There’s nothing wrong with being predictable. In fact, it should be considered a good thing. You won’t surprise any fellow drivers with your actions, always giving clear signs and moving in a reasonable manner. This makes things safe for everyone involved.
9. You Have a Clean Abstract
If you have a clean driving record, then you’re probably a great driver. It’s all too easy to get into no-fault accidents, but you’ve managed to avoid even those with your sharp senses and quick reactions.
Hyundai Motor Group on Unsplash
10. You Plan Routes in Advance
You’re not one for surprises, which is why you know exactly where you’re going and how to get there. You have your GPS set up before you even hit the road, and you stick to your route. These extra steps make every drive easier.
11. You Anticipate Other Drivers
This is kind of like a sixth sense that you hone with experience. By now, you know what the drivers around you are thinking. One little move tells you exactly the kind of driver they are. If you don’t trust someone nearby, you quickly put some distance between the two of you.
12. You Avoid Unnecessary Risk
It doesn’t matter if you’re running late for work or have someone waiting on you—there’s no point in taking unnecessary risks. This means you won’t push through yellow lights or get too close to other drivers in a poor attempt to save time.
13. You Have a Spare Tire
This one’s simple, as most cars come with storage space for a spare tire. The last thing you want is to get stuck on the side of the road with a flat. Luckily, you’re far too prepared for that.
14. You Don’t Drive Tired
Sometimes it’s unavoidable, like getting home after work or doing a quick grocery run for cat food. But you know your limits, and if you feel too tired, you won’t dare push it. Instead, you might arrange for grocery delivery or schedule carpools.
Karollyne Videira Hubert on Unsplash
15. You Give Bigger Vehicles Space
You have enough respect and awareness to treat bigger vehicles with caution. When faced with a school bus or a truck, you keep ample distance and remain mindful of their movements. You understand that their blind spots vary from yours.
16. You Stay In Your Lane
Isn’t it awful when drivers drift from lane to lane? What’s up with that, anyway? That could never be you, as you’re always aware of yourself and completely in control. When it’s time to shift lanes, you do so correctly and patiently.
17. You’re Adaptable
There are moments in driving where the rules are thrown out the window. When someone’s suddenly speeding toward you or when intense weather changes the conditions, it can be hard to keep everyone safe. Luckily, you’re adaptable. You can make it through any storm and react appropriately to changing conditions.
18. You Stay Focused
Staying focused on the road is one of the most important parts of driving. Even if you have your car under complete control, you never know what the world will throw at you. If you always have a strong sense of your surroundings, you’re in a good spot.
19. You Have an Emergency Kit
In case something ever does go wrong, you won’t be caught off guard. You keep a first aid kit in the trunk just in case of emergencies. This extra level of preparedness sets you apart from other drivers.
20. You’re Not Overconfident
It’s easy to let driving get to your head and develop an ego. It’s tempting to think everyone but you is wrong. However, you don’t fall into that trap. You give people the benefit of the doubt and know you’re responsible for the outcomes of your actions. You’re confident but not overconfident.